Thursday, October 28, 2010

Homo Studentus Highschoolitatus

I’ve discovered a new species! This species evolved from what used to be my darling daughter. The creature is one who recently has been legally granted permission to operate a motor vehicle, has a weird predilection to consuming all things unhealthy including gasoline and has no concept of basic neatness. I know one of these inhabits our domicile because evidence is everywhere. I find Reeses wrappers, Dunkin Donut napkins and McDonald’s paper bags strewn about my car and the needle on the gas gauge is always pointing to ‘E’! The creature also must be thinking on a more elevated plane and can’t be slowed down with the mundane like understanding that the house and car are not extensions of its school locker. Dirty socks, jeans, sweatshirts, tattered notebooks, crumbled papers and chewed pens are now commonplace in my once tidy vehicle and home. Threatening to hide the keys to both seems to illicit a primordial response of eyes rolling back in its head, an ugly scowl and frantic finger movements while holding a cellular device. Oh where, oh where has my sweet baby gone?!

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