Thursday, December 27, 2012

HSU primate migration

They’re BAAACCCK! My three Homo studentus universitatus (HSU) primates have migrated back to their parental nest for Christmas and once again have infiltrated and taken over my neat and ordered homestead. With non-verbal communication (texting), they have alerted other HSU primates that the winter break meeting ritual has begun at our house. Their social structure seems to have evolved though. There are more female sightings and the males don’t seem so alpha-like. I think they even brush their teeth more!! Their strange sleeping habits have remained the same. They continue to be nocturnal and they seem to prefer sleeping on couches with the TV on rather than in their comfy beds. Maybe it is because they can’t see their beds under all the clothes, books and papers that are strewn about their dens. But truthfully, this is my happiest time. Having my monkeys back home, asking what’s for dinner, and giving me big hugs daily is my greatest joy. I thank God everyday for the good in my life. May God bless your families this new year and let’s remember that many are in need of our prayers. God Bless Us Everyone! ~Deb

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Big fans of Santa!

I had heard from patients that Santa had begun showing himself in the malls just after Halloween. In my mind, that's still Halloween and that meant that Santa was an imposter. But, we had to go see for ourselves. As you can see from the photos, it's official! My favorite thing about getting these photos with Santa is to watch the progression my kids have made over the years - from shear, abject horror the first year, to modest apprehension the second year, half cheery smiles in the third, to full board happiness. If they still let me do this annually, I can't wait for the ones with him as teenagers! Should be a framer!

Happy Holidays to everyone! Hold on tight! Here comes 2013!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Empty Nest

It is official...Dr. Deb is an 'empty nester'.
All three of her kids are in college!
Here is Alyse, with her list in hand, loading up her cart at WalMart
...and 24 hours later settling into the little corner of her new world!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


My kids and parents were able to enjoy the beauty of New England's Fall - the mums, the pumpkins, the crisp air!   There's something about the fall that makes you nostalgic, and having family here strengthens that feeling.  It was great having my folks come and visit.  My mom still goes into hyperdrive cooking, like she did when there were us 4 girls growing up, and I never tire of eating her cooking.  My dad goes into handy helper mode - trying to fix things here and there; and we jokingly call him 'Photo Frank' as he is constantly making movies of the kids - much like when I was growing up.  Seeing my kids together with them brings back memories of growing up.  But a big smile creeps on my face seeing how much my kids look like my parents.  It makes me happy to know I'll always have my parents with me in my kids.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mother and Son bonding time

Dr. Deb and her oldest son, Steve, again participated in the 40th Annual running of the Falmouth Road Race. Steve ran and Deb survived. This is a picture of Steve propping her up after the race!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Top Dentists 2012

Dr. Deb & Dr. Diane have been recognized again this year in the NH Magazine August issue as Top Dentists 2012.  Thousands of dentists were polled and asked who they feel the top specialists are, taking into account overall patient care, years of experience, board certification, continuing education, use of new technologies, and of course the best final result.  The Amherst Orthodontics team would like to congratulate their doctors, Dr. Deb and Dr. Diane. You rock!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Big Apple Circus

 Big Apple Circus came to Boston! This was the first time for the kids, who left with a million dollars worth of concessions in their bellies ($4 M & M's!!!).  They had such a blast, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this to anyone with little kids.  It is such a family friendly event, 1 ring, easy on the clowns, and big on the performance arts.  My kids were on the edge of their seats for the whole 2 hours, and even got a photo with "Grandma" the clown on her last tour!  

Monday, June 4, 2012

The scary and exciting age of multimedia!

Infinite Bandwidth
By Eugene Gan

I want to share with you is an incredible book that I think every parent should read. We are in a scary and exciting age of multimedia and we must embrace it (sorry, you can get the girl out of orthodontics but you can’t get orthodontics out of the girl!). BUT I’m so concerned about our children.. Here are some hard facts discussed in the book:
                                                              i.      The average person spends 5+ hours a day in front of a screen
                                                           ii.      Teens and college students are never “in one place” at a time
                                                         iii.      Constant media use breaks down silence and powers of concentration; creates narcissistic bubbles (ie. only voices of those of my peer group); fosters distraction and superficiality…. YIKES

This book is easy reading and will give you suggestions on how to guide our children to use media in the best and healthiest way possible. It is written from a Catholic perspective but it is not about religion. Don’t let this stop you from reading it…I know you will not be disappointed. I only wish I had read it sooner!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

National Facial Protection Month!

April is National Facial Protection Month. Dr. Deb and Dr. Diane want to remind parents, coaches and athletes to wear mouth guards in order to prevent recreation-related mouth and face injuries. In a survey commissioned by the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO), 67 percent of parents admitted that their children do not wear mouth guards during organized sports. Last year, The National Youth Sports Safety Foundation predicted that more than 3 million teeth would be knocked out in youth sporting events! Yikes!!
Amherst Orthodontics provides orthodontic mouth guards, made specifically to fit over braces, please let us know if you need one!
Check out this hilarious video!

Monday, March 19, 2012

22 years of little growing reminders...

February is National Children’s Health Month and for the past 22 out of 25 years, I have been going to area schools teaching the virtues of brushing and flossing. (Di has been sharing this mission with me for 11 years). During my recent visit to Wilkins, I again visited Barb Piotrowski’s classroom. I love chiding her about the fact that she was my 21 year old son’s 1st grade teacher. This year, she proudly informed me that her son, who I started caring for when he was 8 years old, is getting married. He is now almost 28!…touché!... So here is a pic of two ‘old’ ladies who don’t feel old (or look old for that matter!) but have the kids to prove it!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oh the weather outside...

It wouldn’t be New England without all of these weather changes! Just a few weeks ago we had enough snow to dust off the ol’ sled to be taken on the maiden voyage! Now, here we are mid February and still no more snow! As much as we enjoy not shoveling, we sure would love more sledding! Alas, Spring will be here before we know it and we’ll find more ways to enjoy being outside!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Following in his Mom's footsteps!

Boy, time does fly by! Dr. Deb's oldest child, Steve, is a junior at Colgate (kind of ironic he goes to a college that has the same name as toothpaste!) and he spent a day at the office checking out what exactly his mom does for a living now that he has to decide his career path. The last time he posed for a picture in the office was when he was a year old! This photo was printed in the office newsletter 20 years ago! Katie Sodders is holding of gubernatorial proclamation heralding February as National Children's Dental Health Month. She is pictured with her brother, Brian and Dr. Deb holding "Stevie" (nice hair Dr. Deb!!)