Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pounding the Pavement

Here is a picture of a motley crew before we ran the 39th Annual Falmouth Road Race (it looks like we already ran the race…!) My 20 yo son, Steve and my husband, Steve (he pulled a fast one when our son was born but that is another story!) and I pounded the pavement for 7.2 miles from Woods Hole to Falmouth on August 14, 2011. I even shaved 3 minutes off my time from last year (trust me, that is not saying much!). Every year I tell myself, “I’m done. I hate training and I don’t even like running” and then I forget the pain (sort of like child birth) and sign up again….old age memory loss!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Natalie "For the love of clean teeth!"

Cleaning my teeth has been a new (and time consuming!) experience. As time has gone by I have become better and more efficient with my cleanings (practice really does make perfect!) I love the feeling of clean teeth; I think they’re actually cleaner now than they ever were before braces! I have to confess, I did try eating popcorn- totally not worth it! Accidentally chomping down on a kernel hurts and the hulls of the corn were stuck here, there, and everywhere under my brackets and under my gums! Never again! A plus to braces, I’ve lost weight! It has to really be worth it to go through my cleaning regimen after any indulgence!