Monday, November 29, 2010

What to Remember This Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. It can be challenging this time of year to keep this thought front and center during our daily activities. So remember, when the boys come home from college with 3 months worth of dirty laundry and look part Neanderthal because they haven’t had a haircut since September and haven’t shaved in a month….shower them with hugs and kisses. When your 17 yo daughter comes home excited about the dress she bought for the semi and you want to throw a bathrobe around her and cover her up …tell her how beautiful she looks and give her one on your shawls. When you asked a relative to bring a pie for dessert and they show up with a Tabletalk pie (yes, they still make these)…serve it with a smile. When your mother continues to quip during Thanksgiving Day cooking, “you need to use more butter; not enough salt, add more salt” …give her a hug and tell her she is the best taster in the world. Above all, make a point this holiday season to find a quite spot, get down on your knees and give heartfelt thanks to God.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Every Kid Wants a Pet

So it's kinda hard to see the full details, but every parent (I think) has walked down the road of their kids wanting a pet. I've been a dog lover forever and would really enjoy a pup, BUT timing is everything. My daughter lately, has wanted a pug (wonder where she got that idea!). And of course, everything big sister wants must be a great idea, so my son wants a pug too! No, no, no. There isn't a pug in the aquarium! But there are 2 hermit crabs... Sharkie and Nemo. Well, since Sharkie and Nemo joined our clan, I have to admit that never having hermit crabs before, I was caught red-handed in the local Petco, purchasing their replacements 1 month later... Stay tuned. Have been watching Food Network for enticing crab recipes...