Monday, June 4, 2012

The scary and exciting age of multimedia!

Infinite Bandwidth
By Eugene Gan

I want to share with you is an incredible book that I think every parent should read. We are in a scary and exciting age of multimedia and we must embrace it (sorry, you can get the girl out of orthodontics but you can’t get orthodontics out of the girl!). BUT I’m so concerned about our children.. Here are some hard facts discussed in the book:
                                                              i.      The average person spends 5+ hours a day in front of a screen
                                                           ii.      Teens and college students are never “in one place” at a time
                                                         iii.      Constant media use breaks down silence and powers of concentration; creates narcissistic bubbles (ie. only voices of those of my peer group); fosters distraction and superficiality…. YIKES

This book is easy reading and will give you suggestions on how to guide our children to use media in the best and healthiest way possible. It is written from a Catholic perspective but it is not about religion. Don’t let this stop you from reading it…I know you will not be disappointed. I only wish I had read it sooner!