Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dr. Deb Starts Blogging

Blog. What a funny word. Dr. Diane, who is 15 years younger than I, is blogging about her Invisalign experience. What the heck can a 50 year old woman write about that has any interest to anyone, I ask?. The ladies at the office tell me to just try it. Write about anything, they advised. Like what??? Like what I made for dinner Friday night? How many loads of laundry I did over the weekend? Ahhh…weekend! How ‘bout this….I went to a Catholic Women’s retreat this weekend in Andover. The title of the retreat was “Life in the Spirit”. It was a moving and powerful experience shared with women of all ages and backgrounds. I decided that my Lenten experience would be deeper if I dedicated some uninterrupted time with God. OK, there you have it…my first ever blog! I’m not sure what my dedication is going to be to this but I will give it a try. Don’t expect anything big but I guess life is just filled with little moments that may be even more special if shared.

1 comment:

  1. Now that Lent has passed, an idea for next year. Instead of giving something up how about taking something on, help a neighbor, cook a meal for an elderly couple or person, spend time in a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter. Well you get the idea, just a thought.
