Monday, August 16, 2010

HSU returns home from college...

The Homo studentus universitatus (HSU) has acclimated to its summer surroundings. The appearance of a large pile of dirty laundry in the corner of its dwelling is present. Plastic bins from its college habitat are still strewn about its territory and all flat surfaces are covered with its belongings. The bed covers are never on the bed so I’m not really sure where it has been sleeping but there are signs of slumber on various couches. When I wake up in the morning, I find evidence of what it ate during the night all over the counters in the kitchen (and on the floor).

Communication is limited with its parental units except when it is asking for the car or “What’s for dinner”. I’m assuming this is because its highly evolved brain can’t be weighed down with mundane questions like “How come you can’t hang up your clothes?” When I ask this, HSU just seems to shrug, like it has a weird itch on its back. No, I guess that brain is for churning out high GPA’s in the quest of getting into graduate school or landing a high paying job where you don’t have to work much.

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